Sunday, February 6, 2022

Blizzard gone too soon


Blizzard's signature smile

Zoo Karlsruhe in Germany has announced the death of Blizzard, their 15 year old male polar bear. He was discovered dead in the indoor facility yesterday.

Viktoria and Blizzard

It was recently discovered that Blizzard's kidney values were very poor. He had been examined for a minor leg injury, and routine blood tests revealed Blizzard's kidney failure. Animals can be very good at hiding health problems.

Blizzard and his reflection

Blizzard was born December 16, 2006, in Pistoia Italy, in a zoo that no longer keeps polar bears. His father was the late Yoghi, and his mother was Yoghi's mother Bimba. The family tree is rather twisted, as Yoghi's father Romeo was also Bimba's father. Romeo was an American bear, born in Colorado Springs.

Blizzard top, finding treats smeared on the walls by the keepers

Blizzard lived in Pistoia until he was four years old, then moved to Rostock for several years, where he had a lovely time hanging out with old Mother Vienna. In 2012, he moved to Hagenbeck Zoo in Hamburg, where he lived with Fanny's daughter Viktoria until May of 2020, when he moved to Karlsruhe, where he lived with young Charlotte, Flocke's sister.

Blizzard chasing Viktoria

Blizzard, like his father Yoghi, was a laid back, friendly and gentle bear. He seemed to like to stick his tongue out, more than the average polar bear, and was sometimes a bit silly. He always got along well with his lady companions.

Blizzard was a happy bear

Blizzard's father Yoghi also died fairly young of kidney failure. 

Blizzard never had any cubs, but he did have siblings fathered by Yoghi. He was half brother to twins Nela and Nobby, and also to Quintana. Nela now lives in Emmen in the Netherlands, Nobby lives in Yorkshire Wildlife Park in the UK, and Quintana lives in Zoo La Fleche in France. 

Viktoria in front, and here comes Blizzard

I visited Blizzard several times in Hagenbeck, where he lived a lazy, content and life with Viktoria. 

It is sad to lose him at such a young age. I will miss him. 

Blizzard up top in Hagenbeck

Farewell Blizzard.



  1. Hallo Molly :)
    Vielen Dank für die schöne Erinnerung an Blizzard.

    Liebe Grüße Jens

    Blizzard & Vienna - Rostock

  2. Dear Molly!
    Thank you for the beautiful tribute to Blizzard!

    Hugs from Mervi
